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Create a Comparison Check Out Report

Create a Comparison Check Out Report In The Mobile App


Start by clicking to Start report, follow instructions in this help article: Create a new report.


Select the property you wish to make a Check Out report for.


Click Report type and select Check Out.

Create a Comparison Report Image
Create a Comparison Report Image


Slide Copy structure & data from previous report on.

Create a Comparison Report Image


Click Report to copy and select the most previous Inventory / Schedule of Condition report as the report you wish the data to be collected from.

Create a Comparison Report Image
Create a Comparison Report Image


To copy the defects, turn the Copy defects from the above report on.


To copy the photographs, turn the Copy photographs from above report on.

Create a Comparison Report Image


Click Create report to finalise.

Create a Comparison Report Image

Creating a Comparison Check Out Report in The Web App

Create a Comparison Report Image

We recommend creating a comparison report with Inventory / Schedule of Condition and Check Out report so that the differences between the reports can be identified easily with just one glance.

Updated on: 27/06/2023

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