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Edit The Report Disclaimer

Customise Your Reports By Updating The Report Disclaimer For Each Report Type


On the website go to Account in the top right corner and select Settings.

Edit The Report Disclaimer Image


Head over to the Report Settings tab.

Edit The Report Disclaimer Image


Depending on which type of report you wish to make the changes to, click to either Inventory / Schedule of Condition, Inspection or Check Out and choose Report Disclaimer under it.

Edit The Report Disclaimer Image


Firstly, you can choose whether you wish the disclaimer to be displayed in the report at all, by swiping it on or off.

Edit The Report Disclaimer Image


To make changes to the disclaimer text, simply erase the part of text that you wish to change it and replace it with text of your choice.


To save all the changes you have made, click Update.

Edit The Report Disclaimer Image

Remember to make the changes to the disclaimers before you create a new report. The changes made to declarations after you have created a report will not be shown.

Updated on: 18/12/2023

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